Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dethroning the Lies of our Minds

Tue, June 15, 2010 1:02:48 PM
[IT-BHU-BatchOf1982] Fw: Dethroning the Lies of our Mind

Dear Ruby,
Thanks for this precious forward. Such a study has also been done by a British scientist at MIT in Pune.I have attended his lecture.
The point to note is that every single thought and word that we utter have a bearing on the realities of our lives.We blame our fate, karma, little realizing that actually we are the creator and creation is happening every moment . "Destiny"is being written every moment by our common thoughts, attitudes and opinions.
But our mind is the problem. It's a good servant but a bad master.The "human"in us is wont to connect independent,discrete and unconnected thoughts arising in the mind and weave endless stories to torment our psyche.This we have to be alert of .And, ofcourse, focussing on the breath,the symbol of the vibrant and pulsating Life in us,goes a long way in detaching ourselves from mind's inherently negative nature.

Best regards,

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: ruby srivastava



The Power Of Words Over Water

Can water be affected by our words? Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist, believes so. And he has proof.

Dr. Emoto took water droplets, exposed them to various words, music, and environments, and froze them for three hours. He then examined the crystal formations under a dark field microscope. And he took photographs.
The results were totally mind-blowing.
Here’s a photo of ordinary water without any prayer spoken over it. The molecular structure is in disarray.

The photo below is water after the prayer was said. It’s simply breathtaking. (I now have a great respect for praying before meals! More on this later.)

Dr. Emoto also exposed water to Heavy Metal music. Here’s how it looks like. Looks sad if you ask me.

Here’s water exposed to classical music and folk dance music.. Looks much better, right?


Next, Dr. Emoto stuck a piece of paper with these words: “You make me sick. I will kill you.” Here’s how the frozen water droplets looks like under the microscope…

Below is how water looked like with the words “Love” over it. The difference is amazing.

This is Polluted water…

This is water from Lourdes , France . Utterly beautiful, right?

Wait A Minute—

Aren’t You Made Up Of Water?

Yes! 72% of your body is made up of water.
Imagine how your words affect your own body.
When you say, “I’m a failure,” or “I’m hopeless,” or “I won’t get well,” imagine how these words weaken your health.
Make a choice to say the best words out there. Say often, “I’m wonderful,” “I’m beautiful,” “I’m God’s child,” and “God has a great plan for my life!”

It’s not only water.
Dr. Emoto also experimented with cooked rice.
He placed one cup of cooked rice in two airtight jars. On one jar, he wrote, “I love you,” and on the other, “You fool.” Everyday for 30 days, Dr. Emoto would say these words to each jar of rice.
After 30 days, the “I love you” rice was still white. But the “You fool” rice was so rotten, it was black. How can you explain this?

Just as a side note: When I was a child, my mother taught me to pray before meals. Now I realize it wasn’t just a nice thing to do. When I pray over my meal, I know a material transformation takes place in the molecular level of the food that I pray for. I say, “Be blessed,” to the water and food on the table—and I expect it to be blessed.
I encourage you to speak words of truth.
Dethrone the lies in your mind.
Say, “I’m beautiful.” Say, “I’m a wonderful person.” Say, “I have a great future.” Say, “I’m anointed. I’m strong. I’m blessed.”
Use your words to create your desired reality.
May your dreams come true!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Why Live Borrowed Ideas

Subject: Is there Anybody in There?

Q. I feel as if I only exist in the eyes of other. I feel so unreal. Where am I? What can I do, or not do?

OSHO. The first thing: it is not only you who only exists in the eyes of others; everybody is existing that way. That is the common way of existence. You use the other as a mirror. Others’ opinions become very important, of immense value because they define you. Somebody says you are so beautiful; in that moment you become beautiful. Somebody says you are a fool; in that moment you start suspecting; maybe you are a fool? You may get angry, you may deny, but deep down you have become suspicious about your intelligence....

If you want to know who you are, you will have even to close your eyes; you will have to go within . You will have to forget the whole world, you will have to forget what they say about you. You will have to go deep inside you and encounter your own reality.

That’s what I am teaching here — not to depend on others, not to look in their eyes. There are no clues in their eyes. They are as unaware as you are — how can they define you?

You are looking into each other’s eyes to find who you are. Yes, some reflections are there, your face is reflected. But your face is not you; you are far behind the face. Your face has been changing so much that you can’t be your face.

...You are not the face. Somewhere deep down hidden is your consciousness; it is never reflected into anybody’s eyes. Yes, a few things are reflected: your actions. You do something; it is reflected into others’ eyes. But your doing is not you. You are far greater than your actions....

Your being is never reflected in the eyes of others. Your being you have to come to know only in one way...and that is by closing your eyes to all the mirrors. You have to enter into your own inward existence, to face it directly. Nobody can give you any idea of it, what it is. You can know it, but not from others. It can never be a borrowed knowledge, it can only be a direct experience, a direct experiencing, immediate.

Shining India or Starving India

Message from Sender:
This article by Ms Vandana Shiva very lucidly shows how the so called Green Revolution was neither "green" nor a "revolution". Infact it degraded the land and caused massive unrest. Similarly 2 lac farmers have committed suicide since 1997 when the GM Bt cotton came to be used.And now we have the Operation Greenhunt which,in the name of fighting Maoist terror,actually seems cleverly planned to expropriate the tribals of their land and hand these over to the mining czars. The situation is grim and unless the collective protests,we might well be signing our death warrants, and that of our children, for the short sighted and illusory gains of the bucaneer capitalists and their collaborators.
Interpreting the colour green

Ecologists like me are called “greens”. We work to protect the green mantle of the earth — forests and biodiversity, soil and water. Nature’s green capital is the real capital that supports all life, and in the final analysis all livelihoods and the entire economy. However, the colour green has been much abused and used for anti-green, anti-nature, anti-people programmes.
The first abus
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Non Thinking Brain is the Key

Subject: [IT-BHU-BatchOf1982 ] Cancer attacks even the Super Healthy

I just read a news report that Martina Navratilova, nine times Wimbledon champion, has breast cancer. She is totally puzzled with this affliction. She eats healthily and, at the age of 53,has an exercise regimen that would put most people half her age to shame.She's never smoked and rarely drinks.
At this point, I think, we should take a deep breath and question the established wisdom. Proper diet and exercises are necessary but apparently not enough for our protection.The body is not an independent entity, but is a product of our beliefs, attitudes and opinions.And these come from the established social consciousness, the political, social,economic
view of the dominant groups which is propagated through the popular media, the education system, the religious bodies and ,very subtle but equally pernicious, the theories propogated by the scientific establishment. It has been well documented that most of the activity that is undertaken as unassailable "science" is , infact, driven,and paid for, by commercial interests.Most of this "establishment science"is also a prisoner of the Newtonian-Cartesian paradigm which was first broadened by Einstein's relativity principle and is now further broadened and refined by the principles of quantum mechanics.This gives primacy to the theory of the Observer whose very act of observation and focus changes the whole paradigm of which he is an integral part.
To cut the story short, before you hit the delete button, everything that happens to us depends on our beliefs.And we have been shortchanged by the totally limiting beliefs of the ruling establishment which make us feel small.We are seldom told that we are, infact, sovereign creatures with full control of our destinies.Plus we have a very unfair system which, instead of empowering the multitude,consigns them to povery, hunger and disease and has given to us a very competitive, dog eat dog,paradigm which is totally unnecessary.
And this happens because we have surrendered our sovereignty to our govts and the dominant groups and have forgotten to discover our real Selves.We are hapless prisoners of the thinking mind and are ignorant of the sleeping giant, the 90% non thinking part of the brain, which can change everything where all of us will matter rather than a handful as of now.

Why Race when we can Dance

One of the most seductive myths that the Indian middle class and its elite believes in is that the 21st century is the Indian Century. Generously the myth adds that we shall share honours with China. Wishfully it contends that we will have a seat in the United Nations Security Council. Our diaspora certifies this myth because it adds to its brittle dignity in the countries it lives in. Between IT, our youthful population, our comparative advantage in knowledge, we seem set to win the gold medals of globalisation. A panopoly of exemplars from Sam Pitroda to Nandan Nilekani is paraded as testimony to this myth of Indian progress. I want to play spoil sport to this thesis, not because India is going nowhere but because this is not the place to go or the way to do it. My arguments are as follows.
India is a pluralistic assemblage of civilisations and communities. When the West followed the myth of progress, it read the relation between tribe, peasant, industry as a sequence where the tribe evolved into industrialism. This created a legitimation for decimation of what was dubbed the primitive and the tribal. In India, the tribal is not our ancestor but our contemporary. We do not confine him to the museum or the reservation and we should not seek to deculture him. Ours has to be a multiple world with plural futures. To homogenise it is to accept the fact of genocide.
In a civilisation sense India has been a sustainable society. There is, however, one danger. If most of India were to turn middle class with equivalent standards of consumption, we would cannibalise the world and its resources. India as a whole cannot live at the calorific level of the American middle class. That would be the programme of unsustainable society and a short-run view of global responsibility.
India has to construct itself differently, inventing not just a new notion of ecological economies but a new imagination for democracy. The old model of a democracy as a pastiche of rights, electoralism and the vision of a nation state is old hat. Without a sustainable ecology, we cannot be a sustainable democracy. The test of sustainability is not just the survival of the forest, it is the well-being and liveability of our cities. We have to reconstruct the sustainable city as an imagination, think of new theories of space, creative ways of managing waste and rework the nation state which is currently a form of conspicuous consumption. Instead of fighting over carbon credits, let us take the battle the other way and invent new ecological possibilities. The idea of living on less need not be a Protestant theology or a repressive ideology. It can be a celebration of life, a civilisation’s way of reducing violence. It does not require a return to primitivism but a creativity that looks at the complexity of the world and creates a playful scenario of responsibility. We grow more, but not as an economy but as an ecology. We intensify diversity not just of nature but of the varieties of culture, where each culture is an exemplar of problem solving. We sustain ecologies and languages and become a high information society by ways of life, the livelihoods, the forms of knowledge we sustain. Around knowledge, we create an ethics of memory where different theories, memories can talk to each other. We need to remember that the other word for progress is obsolescence, the systematic eradication of our societies. We have to decentralise the “Indian Imagination” and stop seeing differences as pathological. I think it is time we drop the standardised prose of globalisation and tell the world that we are different and that our future is different.
We do not need to be envious of China and its bully boy militarism. The economics of force and the herd is not what we seek. The Chinese cost benefit on violence, uniformity, speed is not what we seek or what we are afraid of. We don’t seek to race or be part of the “B teams” of globalisation. If we are a civilisation, let us think like a civilisation. We have behaved like a second-hand society content to be Charles Lamb of the genius of other cultures. Let us understand the genius of other cultures by living out our dialects, our dreams, our forms of religion, our ideas of myth, ethics, our sense of values worked out as craft, colour or cooking. Why race when we can dance, why talk of the illiteracy of the globe when we have a sense of the cosmos? I want to argue that this is not a retreat from the world, but a return to our own genius. I cannot understand an India which is indifferent to its 50,000 varieties of rice but celebrates some child winning the Spelling Bee in the US.
A globalised India which sees itself as a second US is a secondhand, second-rate society. We become mimic men not of the old colonialism but of new imperialism which demands that we internalise the American way of life. It is time we move playfully away and discard the fetish for development, or the dreariness of millennial goals which has no sense of justice or poetry.
If India secedes from the global standard, I am sure other countries will follow. We dream differently and we do not need the current nightmare of IPRs (intellectual property rights). We do not need to subscribe to the battle of civilisations when any child can show that Huntington is an illiterate and that India is a great Islamic society. We do not have to close ourselves to do it but challenge the world to a debate. We need a wild ethics to challenge the dullness of the global dream. Let China westernise. I think we have the confidence to go our own way, offering hospitality to more sustainable and democratic dreams. China envy like America envy is a futile disease and like most Indian pathologies — self-inflicted. Our democracy is too precious. Our civilisation is much more interesting than the current visions of our time. The present is ethically unsustainable. It is this that we have to confront.
* Shiv Visvanathan is a social scientist