Friday, November 25, 2011

Nationalistic Jingoism as the Greatest Obstacle to World Peace

             This article in the official Chinese newspaper,Xinhua,is certain to arouse crocodile chest thumping by the militarist,imperial powers and their local collaborators in our own country.Mercifully, the Chinese Foreign Ministry has issued a clarification that no power(read the US) can prevent the growth of bilateral relations between Indiaand China.
                 We have to be on constant guard in being incited towards a new arms race in Asia.After the Cold War the militarists just had to latch on to the phoney war,aided and abetted by them, against international "terrorism." Witness the $20 billion given to Pakistan in the last ten years to foment intolerance and fanaticism in Asia. This is hardly to promote secularism or democracy.This is about markets,oil, minerals, strategic positioning and,of course,to keep selling armaments to keep their economies afloat.In a few years even this charade will wear off,much like the Cold War.
                    Therefore, a new source of conflict has to be invented.Three heavily armed nuclear neighbours,China,India and Pakistan, is a mouth watering phenomema for these militaristic,imperial powers for whom war and mindless killings have been big business for the last three hundred years.Far away from their own lairs,who cares if millions die or are maimed for life.Remember Vietnam and,continuing,Iraq and Afghanistan.And if a few thousand American soldiers die,well,it is a small price for the billions incoming profits.
                       The enemies of global prosperity are poverty,hunger,disease,global warming,nuclear radiation and,above all, mindless wars.Nationalism,religion and race has always been used by the ruling militarists to incite innocent and poor peoples to take up arms against one another.There are no "victors" in any war.Wars have always been incited to keep the populace in check by the ruling elites and for their big time wealth and power.
                        Unfortunately, both Pakistan and China are saddled with dictatorships. So our country has to bear a heavier responsibility to hold the course for peace,dialogue and economic cooperation.Non-violence and Tolerance  is not cowardice but a vital strategy for prosperity. This is the one pulsating virtue which has kept us in one piece for the last five thousand years.Let us not abandon it at any cost

India's China anxiety an ‘inferiority complex,' says Xinhua

“Today's India is far from potent and prosperous to act of its own accord”
India's “jitters” and fears of encirclement by Chinese influence in South Asia reflected an “inferiority complex” and “loud jealousy” over China's rise, State-run Xinhua news agency said in a commentary on Thursday.
India was “living under the delusion that China lays out a strategic chessboard to lock up and contain India,” said the commentary, the latest of a series of editorials in China's State media outlets that have taken a hard line on India following disagreements over ONGC Videsh's cooperation with Vietnam in the disputed South China Sea.
While it struck a similar tone voiced by a number of Communist Party-run papers in recent weeks, including the nationalistic Global Times and PLA Daily, this commentary was unusual because it was issued by the official government news agency, and posted prominently on the front page of its website.
It was authored by Li Hongmei, a columnist known for her particularly nationalistic views.
“India jitters at the sight of China gaining prestige in Asia, in particular, in South Asia and Southeast Asia, and takes China's ever-growing regional influence in recent years as a strategic encirclement to target and contain India,” the commentary said.
“It sounds nothing more than a loud jealousy, for the simple reason that China has done what India could not, especially when India perceives that China's influence has well reached to its doorsteps and created tremendous impact on those who should have banked on India as imagined.”
The Xinhua commentary follows editorials last month by the official People's Liberation Army Daily and the Global Times, which hit out at India for “stepping into the South China Sea issue.”
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh told Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in talks in Bali last week, on the sidelines of the ASEAN summit, that ONGC Videsh's projects were conducted on a purely commercial basis, and did not mean India was taking sides with Vietnam, one of more than ten countries that contests China's claims of “indisputable sovereignty” over the South China Sea.
The Chinese Foreign Ministry has since taken a more measured tone on relations with India, playing down differences following the meeting between the two leaders. Foreign Ministry spokesperson Liu Weimin said this week there was “no power in the world that can prevent the development of bilateral relations between the two countries.”
Chinese officials and analysts had hoped the Prime Ministers' meeting would draw a line over differences over the South China Sea, which they said had created strains, although exaggerated by the media on both sides of the border.
However, analysts acknowledge that a series of editorials in influential Party papers — and now in the official news agency — underscore prevailing views, at least among an influential section of the Party and Army leadership.
The Xinhua commentary, the first of its kind published by the official news agency, said India had “put sand in the wheels of its own progress” by not allowing foreign investment from Chinese companies because of its “iron-clad suspiciousness.”
India's “jealousy” and “inferiority,” it said, were a legacy of the 1962 war which left “deep-seated mistrust.”
“By currying favour with China's neighbour[s], in particular, those who have brewed disputes with China, India would assume it could instigate these smaller nations to engage in a gang fight against China and contain China's growing clout in the region,” it said.
“Today's India,” the commentary added, “no matter how anxious it intends to lead the region and even the world, is far from potent and prosperous to act of its own accord … To grow up to be a real power and stand as a sound competitor, India needs to, first and foremost, break through its own psychological fence.”


They'reabsolutely right. We must break this psychological barrier & reach out to our Chinese brothers. If thousands of years of civilizational ties are'nt enough, what else is required for us to accept them. Like two estranged branches of one family meet & resolve longstanding disputes which in reality are petty squabbles, we need a frank discussion with the Chinese to iron out our supposed differences. If China & India are on the same wavelength, we can direct the whole world,promoting our joint interests, thus containing the European block, the USA etc.
from:  hari
Posted on: Nov 25, 2011 at 04:42 IST
'Jealousy' and 'inferiority' is not what India feels, had it been, India would not have been able to maintain its soveriegnity, democracy and secularity so long. What India has achieved in these 64 yrs after independence, China wouldn't be able to achieve it in next 100 yrs, major being trust of its people and stability.. 
India, unlike China, never interfered in others internal matters and never used others space for its own progress. 1962 was a different situation than todays. Finally India's motive is not to be the political leader but the leader in terms of world peace and harmony
from:  Akant Solanki
Posted on: Nov 25, 2011 at 11:32 IST
India should work on improving its own productivity and social equality before spending such energy on eyeing on every move China makes.
from:  Kumar
Posted on: Nov 25, 2011 at 11:44 IST
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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Why Blame the Plutocrats?

I completely agree that a very tiny number of plutocrats rule the world. But they do so more by default than by design.They act with utter disdain for the populace because their is hardly any challenge to their authority.
                  There are two reasons for this. One, the middle class,particularly, is a prisoner of its ego and its intellect.There are brilliant people everywhere.But the more the brilliance, the more the stranglehold of the ego.We are just unable to synergize our resources for the common good.At the first opportunity,we'll find ways to find faults with each other.
                   Whereas the fact is that there are more things that unite us than divide.Sustained by the same air, and nourished by the same food and water.The nuclear radiation is not going to discriminate on the basis of our nationality,religion or the colours of our skin.
               So we really have to train ourselves to go beyond our personal idiosyncracies and work to secure decency for everyone. But here, again,our obsession with "getting ahead" and "showing off" stumps us.Our psyche has been poisoned by the virus of power, status and consumerism.After 70-80 years of active life,we hit the dust.So whom are we accumulating for. If we have imparted the right values to our children, they'll take care of themselves, jolly well.
                    We, as humanity, can never "get ahead" till suicidal policies are followed by govts the world over.We have to live in harmony with nature.Don't test its limits because it knows what is best  for all of us because we are integral part of nature.And "showing off" belies a deep lack of self esteem.We are fine, howsoever we may be, but here again we have to "train" ourselves to understand our inherent grandeur.
               So I don't really blame the plutocrats.We utterly deserve this thrashing. But the hope on the horizon is the emerging global consciousness,via the internet,which,in my view,will eventually prevail to usher in a global rationality.And,I'm convinced, we must all massively intervene to make this possible.Each one of us matter,even though most of us don't realize this basic fact.
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