avinash sahay
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To: praveenchandra sinha
Cc: Avinash K. Sahay
It's time to ponder where has all the happiness gone!Life is too short to be lived in worry or bearing grudges.Generally, we are too absorbed with the material and have little time for the All pulsating Life which is available to us every living moment.
I'm sure the product being marketed in the story is a great product. But, the essence itself is very simple. We just have to focus on the breath(even 5-10 min is enough) . The Breath connects us to All of Life.We have to guard against the endless myth making propensity of the mind. The moment a negative thought enters, we have to remind ourselves that the mind is upto it's negative ways and guard against the mind's stories.
Once we begin starving the mind of it's food(negative stories that prey on our psyche) and we get focussed on the Breath we allow Life to come to us in it's fullest splendour. The Pleasure Principle is gradually activated.
Let us gift ourselves the simplest, and yet the all mightiest, of all gifts.
Best regards,
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Nightingale-Conant
Sent: Wed, June 30, 2010 7:21:53 AM
Subject: How The Pleasure Principle gives you the highest level of vitality, health, and joy
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