Monday, December 6, 2010

Hardwiring our Genes Into Brilliance

Pl read this fascinating interview with futurist, Ray Kurzweil, which appeared in the latest TIME magazine.


Is it a mistake to use the events of the recent past as a method of predicting the future?

Our intuition about the future is linear. But the reality of information technology is exponential, and that makes a profound difference. If I take 30 steps linearly, I get to 30. If I take 30 steps exponentially, I get to a billion.

You predict we'll reach a point with artificial intelligence that you call the singularity. How will that affect us?

By the time we get to the 2040s, we'll be able to multiply human intelligence a billionfold. That will be a profound change that's singular in nature. Computers are going to keep getting smaller and smaller. Ultimately, they will go inside our bodies and brains and make us healthier, make us smarter. We'll be online all the time. Search engines won't wait to be asked.

Will this make it more difficult for us to focus?

We've always been responsible for the triage of our time. I actually think these technologies enable us to focus better. My father was a musician, and he had to hire an orchestra and raise money just to hear his compositions. Now a kid in her dorm room can do that with her synthesizer and computer.

How exactly will technology make us healthier?

We will reprogram our biology. My cell phone's probably updating itself as we speak, but I'm walking around with 1,000-year-old software that was for a different era. One gene, the fat insulin receptor gene, says, "Hold on to every calorie, because the next hunting season may not work out so well." I'd like to be able to tell my fat insulin receptor gene, "You don't need to do that. I'm confident I'll have food tomorrow."

Will we be eating differently?

We'll grow in vitro cloned meats in factories that are computerized and run by artificial intelligence. You can just grow the part of the animal that you're eating. Some people say, "Oh, that sounds yucky." I say, "Well, why don't you go visit a factory-farming installation? You'll find that getting meat from living animals is yucky." But we'll need a marketing genius to sell the idea.

Speaking of marketing, what idea about the future do you have the hardest time selling?

People are most resistant to the idea of dramatic extensions to life expectancy, because it affects every decision they make. They have this cycle of life in mind. People sort of wax philosophical--"Oh, I don't want to live past 100." I'd like to see them say that when they're 100.

Do you think we'll find intelligent life elsewhere in the universe?

The consensus in the field is that there's somewhere between a thousand and a million technologically advanced civilizations just in our own galaxy. But once you get to a point where we are, within a few centuries at most, these civilizations would be doing galaxy-wide engineering. It's impossible we wouldn't be noticing that. So my conclusion is that we may be the first.

What are the dangers of technological innovation?

Technology is a double-edged sword. New technologies can be used for destructive purposes. The answer is to develop rapid-response systems for new dangers like a bioterrorist creating a new biological virus. We don't have to just sit back and wait.

How will science affect the religious and ethnic differences in the world?

I think we are evolving rapidly into one world culture. It's certainly one world economy. With billions of people online, I think we'll appreciate the wisdom in many different traditions as we learn more about them. People were very isolated and didn't know anything about other religions 100 years ago.

How will our technological progress make us feel about God?

I believe our civilization is going to be vastly more intelligent and more spiritual in the decades ahead. You can argue how we got here, but we are the species that goes beyond our limitations. We didn't stay on the ground. We didn't stay on the planet. Our species always transcends.

This fascinating story is a must read. Ray Kurzweil marries the brilliance of spirituality with hard core science.
The message is that reality is never LINEAR. It may be EXPONENTIAL.Well, the growth of technology of the last hundred years has already proved that.30 steps may lead us not necessarily to thirty, exponentially it may lead us to a billion.
Therefore, it makes sense to be terribly hopeful about our futures. And,to usher that Promised Earth, we may need to alter the hardwiring of our genes which is stuck with linearity, with a hysterical paranoia to accumulate,which makes the elites behave so stupidly to the devastation of the vast majority.
Our spiritual giants have shown us how to alter the hardwiring of our genes.Just one thought is enough.Just five minutes of fervent focus before we sleep and immediately on waking up.Burn intensely with the desire for well being of ALL.Live the passion of LOVE,harmony and Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam.
If we do this the Promised Earth will be a reality NOW.

Best regards,

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