Monday, December 12, 2011

There is More than Enough for All of Us


Many will frown in dismay over this proposition.This is natural,so used we have become to being prisoners of our ego and our intellects.And this proposition comes,not from the Intellect,but from a dimension of our Consciousness which is much deeper than our Thinking Mind.And finding this dimension frees us from the suffering we inflict on ourselves and others when the mind-made "Little Me" is all we know and runs our life.

When we Awake from this Dream of Incessant Thinking,and become Aligned with the greater Consciousness,we free ourselves from the Tyranny of Logical Thinking and awake to a greater Freedom of Living.It is,perhaps, time to awaken to an Evolving Sum rather than to the Zero Sum game of Life.If we Allow ourselves to be surprised by the Bounties of Life, we will gasp in awe how Abundant Life can be,indeed.But,instead of aligning ourselves with this pulsating brilliance,we remain trapped in the prison of our intellects and the stuffiness of our egos.

This joy we owe to ourselves and to people we interact with in the daily business of living.

--- On Tue, 12/6/11, The Center for Personal Reinvention wrote:

Dear Avinash,

This is Joe Rubino and I'm writing today to focus your awareness on

the source of your actions. As human beings, we operate daily

reflecting a wide range of emotions with a multitude of motivations

fueling our behaviors. All too often, we react emotionally to what

others say or do. If our reactions are preceded by the emotions of

fear, anger, or sadness, we forfeit our ability to act with

personal power and effectiveness in lieu of a knee-jerk response.

This reaction is all too often sourced in fear and low self-esteem.

We may focus on what's wrong with us and our lives or fear being

controlled, hurt, or taken advantage of. We may overlook the many

things we have in our lives for which we should rightly be

grateful. When we doubt our ability to thrive and access the

abundance we see all around us in the world, we react instead from

the concern of scarcity and the expectation of failure, hurt, and

disappointment. We may see ourselves in competition for the world's

resources and the love and attention of others rather than

realizing that there is more than enough of all that is good to go

around. We forget that we manifest what we expect rather than

needing to compete for limited resources.

Whenever we forget that we are magnificent beings and that there is

plenty of wealth, happiness, fun, and fulfillment to go around, we

might feel the need to protect ourselves from what we perceive to

be a dangerous world. We likewise tend to forget that others

operate from the same lacking self-confidence, scarcity of

gratitude, and deficient self-love that we often do. So, whenever

two or more individuals see themselves as not good enough to tap

into the world's abundance and get all their needs met from a

physical, social, mental, and emotional perspective, conflicts are

likely to arise. The result is broken relationships, strained

communication, emotional pain, struggle, and suffering. All of

these are needless and optional for those who realize their ability

to detach from the struggle and master their emotional response.

When we stop to realize that everyone else suffers from the same

self-doubt and fear of being dominated and cheated out of getting

their fair share of love, fun, money, possessions, and security, we

can break the vicious cycle of endless competition and continual

striving for domination. We can realize that cooperation and

communication is more effective in producing harmony than

competition and a focus on self-interest based on fear. We can

intentionally choose to trust that others are doing the best they

know how to do based upon how they see the world. We can assume

that they act from good intentions, even when we fear the opposite.

We can hold them as worthy, competent, loving, good natured and

capable of creating win-win relationships rather than fearing them

as hateful, ill meaning, incompetent, unworthy, selfish opponents.

When we decide to champion others by looking for the best in them

and interact with them out of an attitude of gratitude for their

gifts, strengths, and positive qualities, in such as manner that

they are clear that we hold them as intrinsically good and worthy

of our love and respect, we provide for them a new and exciting

opportunity for them to show up for us in this manner. Our decision

to hold others as great (because they really are when we strip away

their anger, fears, and insecurities) allows them the freedom to

rise to our expectations. By operating from love and gratitude for

the wisdom and empathy we develop as a result of our interactions

with others, we see their mistakes as temporary indiscretions

producing valuable lessons from which to learn and grow rather than

reflections of a fundamentally defective being.

The key to bringing out the best in others is non-attachment. When

we realize that we have total control over our response to any

situation, and we give up our right to be invalidated by others or

control them, we will possess a newfound freedom that allows us to

exit the drama of conflict in favor of understanding, compassion,

and love. Decide now to be grateful for the challenges you will

encounter in your life and business. See the problems that arise as

opportunities for your personal development. Look for these

challenges as you go about your day, be grateful when you encounter

them, and seek out the gifts awaiting your discovery.

Exercise for Expanding Gratitude and Shifting Your Reactive Nature

1. List all the things you have decided to be grateful for in your

life and business.

2. In your daily journal, record each time you fail to express

gratitude for a challenging situation.

3. Catch yourself reacting emotionally to what someone says or does

and shift your perception in that moment to appreciate the learning

experience at hand.

4. In your daily life and business, who are you not holding as


5. How can you champion their excellence and express gratitude for

the opportunity to grow in love and wisdom that they are gifting

you instead of reacting with anger, sadness, or fear?

6. Who are you seeking to control or avoid being controlled by?

Will you take on the practice of non-attachment in your

relationship with them by creating space for them to be who they

are? Do this for 30 days and record in your journal how your

interactions with them evolve. Make note of something that you can

be grateful for in each situation.

Dr. Joe Rubino is a life-changing life optimization and business

coach and the best-selling author of and 11

other transformational books available worldwide in 19 languages.

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