Sunday, July 25, 2010

Being the Change

Sent: Sun, July 25, 2010 9:48:20 AM
Subject: Being the Change

Dear Friends,
I want to draw your attention to the July 26 issue of India Today titled Action Heroes.This is the story, not of celebrities,but of people within the gargantuam chaos that is India and trying to make it work.
Look at the stats. In a country of 110 crore people, there are 6.4 lac villages and 2.5 lac elected local govt officials. There are about a 100 centrally sponsored schemes converging on these 6.4 lac villages with earmarked funds of 1.37 lac crores only for the social sector.
The point I want to make is this. The business of governance is a mammoth task.We are all stakeholders in governance as the govt collects close to 8 lac crores from us for this business of governance.The enormity of the task is too much for the govt to handle alone.
As Mahatma Gandhi said, India can only be regenerated from bottom upwards. The villages must be strengthened. Each of us has an unfulfilled agenda to be agents of this social transformation. And we can take our cue and inspiration from these Action Heroes.
The leaders may be missing in action. But let us prove that each of us footsoldiers, empowered, are equal to the task at hand.

Best regards,

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A copy-cat Culture

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: avinash sahay
To: Navin Sinha
Sent: Tue, July 20, 2010 9:01:43 PM
Subject: Re: A Copy-cat Culture

Thanks, Mama. I agree completely with your views.Your example of Obama, how the time and commitment of a parent can pave the way for a child's success is fascinating.The feminists(which includes males) would not take very kindly to some of your views. But ,of course,you mean that mere "quality time" with children is just an eyewash,meant only to assuage one's guilt.
There is very little independent thinking left.In the hanker for money,fame and "getting ahead"(whatever that means) the development of the Self has been given a decent burial. That's why there's no contentment or happiness anywhere.
Second, we have downgraded our peasant-tribal-nomad culture and are obssessed with so called "urbanity."In my life the most "urbane"person I know is my 68 year old chacha who is a farmer in our village. Unless we strengthen our villages(the world over),my sense is that we are doomed as a civilization
Also, the dominance of nation states with their narrow militarism plays havoc with peace which is the sine qua non for any prosperity.That's why I'm firmly of the view that neither the American or the Chinese model can be the basis of a happy future.There's a whole space crying out to be filled( for brilliant folks to blaze) based on "inner"genius(no copy-catting) and creativity.

Best regards,

From: Navin Sinha
To: avinash sahay
Sent: Mon, July 19, 2010 10:05:11 AM
Subject: Re: A Copy-cat Culture


The CopyCat culture/nature/instinct arises from insecurities/inferiority complexes. Roots of this insecurity (lack of self-confidence) are about ~1,000 years old. The only way a foreign invader can rule a population is by destroying their intelligentia and intellectual abilities and replace it with servitude. So, Khiljis, Mughals and then British systematically created a system of education and laws that promoted people that were good slaves and followed orders without ever questioning them.

India has a very old culture and civilization. During all those thousands of years of experience, Indians have forgotten many times more knowledge than Western populations have learned in their short period of enlightenment. However, our entire knowledge base (such as Nalanda library was lost) and replaced with dumb system of education.

Once independence came, unfortunately, there were no independent thinkers (other than Gandhi) who could have created a new free-people's system of laws, education and the rest that are needed to create a proud free society, and culture. Unfortunately, Gandhi was killed shortly after independence. So, there was no independent thinker left to create a proper constitution, change the laws and lay the ground work for the creation of a truly free country and people. Indian constitution is terrible (hybrid of British and US constitutions and totally unsuitable for India), the education system still produces slaves (except the masters are Indian officers and not British). Even the national anthem is a disgrace.

So, what is the solution. TIME. It took about a thousand years to create a nation of slaves (Copycats) and it will take 100-200 years to fix everything. It helps if at an early age, there is a role model to follow. Someone to show the light so the right path is visible. Sooner a child gets this input, farther he/she will go. So, the change has to begin in grade school and through the mother's influence. How do you create this change is a very big and difficult challenge. One example is Obama. His mother was a free spirit, the product of the 60s Vietnam era of protests and social experimentation. Yet, she would get up every day at 4-5 AM and make Obama do his homework while she sat with him. It takes that kind of dedication to learning and knowledge on the part of the mother to create a terrific baby and a hope for the future. As long as the mother's are too busy working to get money to buy a bigger house, material comforts and leaving the child to the care of others or in front of TV or playing video games, the whole next generation is lost. The decline of America is primarily due to this force. Women did not start working outside the home till 1970s and educational and economic achievements have gone steadily downhill in the past 40 years.

Next time we meet, we can sit and talk about what is wrong with India, US, the whole of humanity, and how do you take corrective action, even on a small scale of one person doing his/her part. Love,

Nabboo Mama

On Jul 17, 2010, at 2:39 AM, avin

Friday, July 16, 2010

Rethinking Education

Rethinking education July 16th, 2010
Shiv Visvanathan Share Buzz up!Tags: education in India The other day someone asked me what I thought were the three most important ministries. The standard answers expected were defence, home and finance. Some would hyphenate foreign and defence. I must admit these are important ministries, if law and order, security are the most important goals of the state. But in a futuristic sense, as a vision for creativity, the three most important ministries are health, environment and education. These constitute the framework for the future. Today I want to focus on one of them — education.

The reason is we are being outthought. Education in India is creating a mimic man, an imitative society content with being a fourth-rate America, glad if it has Donald Duck or Spiderman on the flag. It is turning us into a third-rate global regime. We are so pleased with our success abroad, from Spelling Bees to a two-inch column in the Times, that we don’t recognise that we are being bypassed intellectually.

Competition is good in its own way but what are we competing about? Our leadership is quite happy to have reached the 19th century of ideas in a society they still treat as 14th century.

Our dynamism is misdirected because our language and theories of education are flawed. Look at how we approach education. It is in the language of productivity and numbers. The way our minister speaks we don’t know whether he is in charge of buildings or education. He sounds more like a minister for housing because building education is a totally different game. The numbers game creates a sense of targets but an obsession with it forecloses the debate on quality, plurality and content. We play the multiplication game with slogans of more IIT, more IIMs, as if we have patented a way of cloning institutions. No one takes a critical look at these institutions beyond an occasional critique of their admissions policy. The IIMs and IIT have research ratings which would embarrass a modest, even provincial, US university. In fact, we have no theory of the modern university.

Ironically, we are still children of Macaulay. His ghost overpowers the Gandhian vision. There is an irony to it because Macaulay made us middle class English speakers. It is our comparative advantage in English that powers our economy. Our model of education is still the tutorial college. More students have grown up reading K.K. Dewett and Ruddar Dutt than the management expert Prahlad and the economist Sen.

What is the tutorial college? It is the ultimate fantasy of reduction and miniaturisation. A society’s inversion of Macaulay’s perverse dream. Macaulay’s arrogance proclaimed that all of Indian civilisation is not worth a shelf of Western books. The irony was that we literally reduced Western civilisation to a shelf of dull functional books. We then bowdlerised it, simplifying it to its crudest elements. The kunji or cogbook was born. We reduced Western civilisation from a text to a textbook and religiously updated it. These books are the publisher’s ultimate fantasy and run up to 40 editions. We turned education into an instrument like a lathi or a screwdriver between the kunji and the tutorial college. The ultimate dream of the tutorial college is entry into IIT and IIT pays back by imitating its pedagogy.

If imitation is a sign of flattery, India is the ultimate mimic civilisation. Mimicry may be a form of temporary survival but it cannot be a substitute for creativity in a democratic society. One has to be more inventive.

More crucially, India can’t create a history where education mimicked the violence of colonialism. Imperialism could, with the aid of homogenising development models, museumise tribe and craft, or condemn them to assimilation. We need plural structures of knowledge and education where craft is reworked as a new kind, as a new hand-brain hyphen and our linguistic wealth, both written and oral, is sustained.

Our university is still the examination machine of the 19th century, meant for turning out clerks and bureaucrats. Our mandarins still emerge from that system and exemplify it. We are masters of the exam system but mediocres in research. We are poor at knowledge creation and it is in the domain of knowledge creation and knowledge strategies that India is losing out.

We need a gradient of knowledge systems from the primary school to the centres of advanced knowledge. We have to realise it is one chain of being, like a food chain, and violence to any part damages the whole. To a theory of integrated knowledge, we have to add a theory of knowledge itself.

We have to keep the varieties of knowledge in our society dynamic. We have to realise that the democratisation of knowledge demands that the tribal, the peasant, the hawker, the nomad be seen as strategists of survival, as men and women of knowledge. Our informal economy is a knowledge system of its own that we are loathe to appreciate. The democratisation of knowledge has to be part of the democratisation of democracy. This demands that we be a knowledge culture first before we are a knowledge economy.
The Knowledge Commission actually did not work. India has no current equivalent of the Kothari or Radhakrishnan Report. We need such an overall statement which links education to new ideas in science, ecology and culture. Europe and the USA are continually rethinking their universities. These changes don’t merely cover budgetary reform but critical changes in economy and the structure of science.

Our paradigms of education are 19th century and our policy is only a collection of add-ons. What we need is a new “Educational Report” which is as ethnographically rich as a colonial gazetteer, which connects to other critical reports like the Sengupta Report and the Sachar Report on Minorities. A theory of the knowledge economy cannot be a nation state document. It has to be simultaneously civilisational and located in community and civil society. A project that links all these into a vision of the future is a project whose time has come. The question is do our politicians have the will to create such a vision and implement it, or is obsolescence and illiteracy the strategy of our populism-seeking elite?

* Shiv Visvanathan is a social scientist

A Copy-Cat Culture

Sat, July 17, 2010 12:09:11 PMFw: A Copy-cat Culture
From: avinash sahay View Contact
To: sankat ; navin sinha ;; shashi shekhar ; Priya (CDC/CCID/NCIRD) Ranjan ; anand shankar choudhary ; nirmal prakash ... more


I hope the accompanying article will give you some food for thought.It seems that most of the great work done by Indians is outside
India.Our country has lost the passion to unleash the creativity of it's citizens.It has become a copy-cat culture of the rich west.We seem to have forgotten that there is an underlying dignity of our still largely peasant-tribal paradigm.And we have fostered an essentially urban culture,replete with dirt,pollution and insane competition for the scarce resources. More money in our banks has not translated into more bliss or freedom for us but a paranoia to have more of the same.We seem to have lost ourselves in a cul-de-sac,with no idea as to where we are headed.
This may be because we are not relying on our inner creativity. The mind is insanely active, the soul and spirit are in a state of somnolescense.We have to think deep and hard.The 10% culture inheres in itself the seed of it's own destruction. In unleashing our inner genius and creativity-Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam-we'll all have found our abundance,peace and harmony that we crave for.And this is entirely within our reach.Let us have faith in ourselves and in our ability for achieving the miraculous.

Best regards,

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: ""
Sent: Fri, July 16, 2010 6:11:55 PM
Subject: avinash sahay has forwarded a page to you from Deccan Chronicle

Message from Sender:
Mr Vishwanathan has again hit the nail on the head. This article can be treated as a sequel to Why Live Borrowed Dreams he wrote sometime back. It is only be unleashing our creativity that we can live with bliss and freedom. Acopy-cat culture of the West, which the elites are unwittingly fostering, has very weak legs to stand on. But we need not lose heart. Rationality and good sense will prevail, and we must put our heart,mind, soul and all our strength into creating this reality.

Rethinking education

The other day someone asked me what I thought were the three most important ministries. The standard answers expected were defence, home and finance. Some would hyphenate foreign and defence. I must admit these are important ministries, if law and order, security are the most important goals of the state. But in a futuristic sense, as a vision for creativity, the three most important ministries ar

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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Why Dream Borrowed Dreams

Why Dream Borrowed Dreams
avinash sahay
View Contact
To: cit akjain ; Amitabh Satyam ;;;;;;; Brian Fernandez ... more
Cc: Avinash K. Sahay ; Atul Pranay ; Devashish Roy Choudhury ; Anuradha Mukherjee ; Durga Charan Dash ; Mahendra Singh ... more

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: "avinashk.sahay@"
To: asahays@yahoo. com
Sent: Fri, June 4, 2010 12:09:52 PM
Subject: avinash sahay has forwarded a page to you from Deccan Chronicle

Message from Sender:
I believe this is a brutally honest article to be appearing in the mainstream media.The editors deserve the gratitude of the reading public. One way to "progress" in this fast changing world is to progress on the principles of Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam where there is only one set of rules for all, rather than the present paradigm where a tiny minority is more equal. This article sensitizes us to precisely such a possibility. Thanks, Mr Shiv Vishwanathan, for presenting your views so lucidly.

Why dream borrowed dreams?

One of the most seductive myths that the Indian middle class and its elite believes in is that the 21st century is the Indian Century. Generously the myth adds that we shall share honours with China. Wishfully it contends that we will have a seat in the United Nations Security Council. Our diaspora certifies this myth because it adds to its brittle dignity in the countries it lives in. Between IT,

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The Power of Visualization

[IT-BHU-BatchOf1982] The Power of Visualization
avinash sahay
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I hope you'll find this story on the Power of Visualization useful.My sense is that this is what has been used by rishis and mystics, over centuries,to better their lives and that of their communities.
Life itself is a great laboratory.I firmly believe there is that creative power in us that makes everything possible. The distinction between religion and science is meaningless because only a search for "truth" really matters.And, really, "truth" itself can be exasperatingly subjective.
My interest is in creation and not really in debates, for how can "truth" be really expressed only in words.I therefore urge you to practise the forward, if you are interested in finding your real "creative" nature.

Best regards,
http://poshaning. blogspot. com/

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From: Nightingale- Conant
To: asahays@yahoo. com
Sent: Fri, June 11, 2010 6:20:00 AM
Subject: Train yourself in the world's most powerful personal achievement technique

Breath, the symbol of our Freedom

[IT-BHU-BatchOf1982] From Fear to Abundance
avinash sahay
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Dear Lala,
After a short holiday, I'm back and could not resist the temptation to add to what you have said.
The human species is truly done in by the "MIND" which has an endless capacity for myth making.Waves of "thoughts" impinge continously on the brain.These thoughts are random, discrete and unconnected to each other. But the "intellectual" mind has a tendency to connect these essentially unconnected thoughts to weave "stories" to torment the psyche.
This point needs to be stressed. The "stories" of the mind do NOT elevate us, it always depresses and torments us. Why? Because the intellectual mind is caught up in DUALITY, the quicksand, the morass of the material world.It can't see a thought, an event, just as a thought or an event. It is caught up in grand theorizing, in the dualities of the good/bad,right/ wrong,high/ low,and thereby weaving vicious circles for our imprisonment.
If we want to breathe the air of freedom and bliss, we must tap the unused, the non-intellectual, parts of our brain. Just make a habit of sitting for 5-10 min and watch the movement of the BREATH.The breath is the symbol of the Infinite Life in us. Being " conscious" of the breath, we effortlessly make the transition from the ephemeral to the eternal, from duality to Oneness, from fear of the material world to Abundance of All Life.Even in our routine activities let us be "conscious" and "alert" in all our actions so as to deny the "mind" the arena to operate in its sinister myth makings.
We owe to ourselves, and to one another, such a journey.

Best regards,

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Survival of the Happiest

Survival of the Happiest
avinash sahay
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To: praveenchandra sinha ; vibha ajay ; sankat ; navin sinha ;; prakash manvi ; shashi shekhar ... more
Cc: Avinash K. Sahay ; Atul Pranay ; Devashish Roy Choudhury ; Anuradha Mukherjee ; Durga Charan Dash ; Mahendra Singh ... more
It's time to ponder where has all the happiness gone!Life is too short to be lived in worry or bearing grudges.Generally, we are too absorbed with the material and have little time for the All pulsating Life which is available to us every living moment.
I'm sure the product being marketed in the story is a great product. But, the essence itself is very simple. We just have to focus on the breath(even 5-10 min is enough) . The Breath connects us to All of Life.We have to guard against the endless myth making propensity of the mind. The moment a negative thought enters, we have to remind ourselves that the mind is upto it's negative ways and guard against the mind's stories.
Once we begin starving the mind of it's food(negative stories that prey on our psyche) and we get focussed on the Breath we allow Life to come to us in it's fullest splendour. The Pleasure Principle is gradually activated.
Let us gift ourselves the simplest, and yet the all mightiest, of all gifts.

Best regards,

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Nightingale-Conant
Sent: Wed, June 30, 2010 7:21:53 AM
Subject: How The Pleasure Principle gives you the highest level of vitality, health, and joy